Alberta Palaeontological Society

The Meeting Place for Amateur and Professional Palaeontologists

APS members listening to a description of the Devil's Coulee fossil locality

The Alberta Palaeontological Society (APS) is a non-profit organization founded in 1986. Our main goal is to promote the science of palaeontology through study and education. The APS makes important contributions to the field by discovering new findings and responsibly collecting, curating, and displaying significant fossil specimens. We are passionate about educating the general public, sharing knowledge about palaeontological discoveries, and fostering an appreciation for the ancient past.

Moreover, the society is committed to preserving palaeontological materials for the benefit of future generations. To achieve our mission, the APS actively collaborates with professional and academic communities, working together to safeguard and enhance the understanding of Alberta's rich cultural heritage.

The Alberta Palaeontological Society is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to spreading the wonders of palaeontology, ensuring that people of all ages can explore and appreciate the fascinating world of prehistoric life.


Alberta Palaeontological Society Annual General Meeting

The Alberta Palaeontological Society will hold its Annual General Meeting on May 9, 2025 after the regular presentation. The meeting will be held in room B108 at Mount Royal University, our regular meeting room. The meeting will include a review of the past year’s activities, a financial report, and the election of officers and directors. We will also discuss upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. We are always looking for new volunteers to help with our events and activities.

For additional information, see the AGM page.

Next Event

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: April 2025

Friday, April 11, 2025 7:30 PM - 9 PM

François Therrien, Ph.D. Curator of Dinosaur Palaeoecology, Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology - “What really killed the dinosaurs? A look at the latest developments” Abstract Bio

The extinction of dinosaurs, which occurred 66 million years ago during an event called the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction, is one of the most talked-about topics in paleontology. Many theories have been proposed to explain the disappearance of these fantastic beasts, invoking causes ranging from the mundane to the extraterrestrial. Despite frequent claims of “ground-breaking discoveries” making the headlines in the media, the exact details of the K-Pg mass extinction remain shrouded in mystery. Although it is widely known that dinosaurs were wiped out during the K-Pg mass extinction, people often don’t realize that many other types of animals also went extinct at the same time, both in the oceans and on land, resulting in the disappearance of nearly 75% of all species on Earth. For several decades,scientists have argued over whether dinosaurs went extinct gradually, over millions of years in response to environmental changes, or suddenly in response to a catastrophic event. The debate still rages on, but there are now several lines of evidence that suggest that dinosaurs were going strong until at least 50,000-100,000 years prior to their extinction and that they went extinct suddenly. But what cause/event could have caused their extinction? In his presentation, Dr. Therrien will review what we know about the state of the world at the end of the Cretaceous, the latest scientific discoveries, the “accuracy” of the various hypotheses proposed to explain the demise of the dinosaurs, and conclude with a likely scenario for the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction.

A painting by Donald E. Davis depicting the Chicxulub asteroid impacting.

For more information, see our events page.

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APS Books for Sale

Refer to the Store link on this website for cost, how to purchase a copy and other details. These books will also be available for purchase at our monthly meetings.

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