Alberta Palaeontological Society

The Meeting Place for Amateur and Professional Palaeontologists


We hold a variety of events, from our monthly meetings, to lectures, to field trips all over Alberta!

Our monthly meetings are free and open to the public. They generally take place on the third Friday of each month. For more information, see the events below or visit the monthly meetings page.

Today's Events



Alberta Paleontological Society's 26th Annual Symposium

Saturday, March 18, 2023 9:00AM - Sunday, March 19, 2023 4:00PM

Saturday, March 18, 2023, from 9:00AM to 5:00PM - Alberta Paleontological Society 26th Annual Symposium Sunday, March 19, 2023, from 9:00AM - 4:00PM: Workshops

(in conjunction with the Mount Royal University Earth and Environmental Sciences and CSPG Paleontological Division)

This symposium will contain presentations from a mix of amateur and professional palaeontologists. The aim is to showcase palaeontology to the general public and to provide an opportunity for contact between the Alberta Palaeontological Society, industry, government, and educational facilities. The event is free and all are welcome to attend or join virtually. Families are encouraged to bring fossils to our identification booth where APS members will do their best to provide you with information.

We are calling for Posters for this event. Deadline for submission of abstracts for publication is February 15, 2023.

Click here to download a PDF file version of the 2023 SYMPOSIUM FLYER

Click here to download a PDF file version of the CALL FOR POSTERS CIRCULAR 2

Click here to download a PDF file version of the Speaker Program and Workshop Information SYMPOSIUM SPEAKER PROGRAM AND WORKSHOP INFORMATION

Click here to download a PDF file version of the GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS FOR THE 2023 SYMPOSIUM

View a brief video of our 2018 Symposium.

Special Joint Meeting of the APS and the CSPG BASS Division

Tyndall Stone: Discovering Ordovician - Age Fossils in the Tyndall in Calgary's Downtown and Inner - City Areas.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023 12 Noon - 1 PM

Speaker: Tako Koning, P. Geol


This meeting will not be held at our usual location at Mount Royal University. Instead, it will take place at the CEGA (CSPG) office located at #150, 540 – 5 Ave SW, Calgary, AB. Also note the special time of this presentation - 12 noon - 1PM daylight saving time (not standard time as printed). You may attend in person without having to pre-register, just show up.

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: April 2023

Friday, April 21, 2023 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Short Presentation

Fifty Years at Pipestone Creek: What Northern Alberta’s Wapiti Formation is Revealing About Boreal Dinosaur Paleoecology. Abstract

Speaker: Dr. Emily Bamforth, Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum and University of Saskatchewan, Department of Geological Sciences

Regular Presentation

Exploring for Algal Stromatolites in North America and Africa - the Journey Continues. Abstract

Speaker: Tako Koning, Geological Consultant, APS and CEGA Member

Field Trip

Devil’s Coulee Museum and field tour, Warner, AB

Saturday, June 17, 2023 10 AM - 4 PM

Leader: Mona Trick

Mona will lead us to the famous Devil’s Coulee dinosaur egg-site in southern Alberta. In the morning, we will enjoy a guided tour of the Devil’s Coulee Dinosaur Heritage Museum (located in Warner, Alberta). In the afternoon, we will have an extended tour of where dinosaur eggs were first discovered in Canada. We will also have time to search for Late Cretaceous (Campanian) fossils (such as dinosaur eggshell) but we will not be able to keep anything we find, as this is a protected site. The price includes admission to the museum and the guided tour of the eggsite. Due to the restricted amount of parking at the egg-site we will car pool the 30 minutes from the museum to the egg-site. This field trip is just one day in length and Warner is about a 3-hour drive from Calgary. Registration is limited to 40 people. For additional details, including camping and motel information, contact Mona Trick at or (587) 578-4579.

Registration deadline is June 1, 2023.

Field Trip

K/Pg boundary, Knudsen’s Farm, Huxley, AB.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Leader: Tako Koning

If you missed this tour last year, Tako will again lead us to the famous Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (formerly the “K/T boundary”) site on Knudsen’s farm near Huxley, AB. This site is the best location in Canada to view the K/Pg mass extinction boundary. It marks the event when dinosaurs and 75 percent of the Earth’s creatures and plants died almost instantaneously. Extensive academic research at this site has contributed materially to our knowledge of what happened to the world at that time. Huxley is about a 2-hour drive from Calgary. This is a single-day trip.

Registration deadline is July 1, 2023.

Field Trip

Green River Formation, Kemmerer, Wyoming, USA.

Friday, July 14, 2023 - Sunday, July 16, 2023

Leader: Keith Mychaluk

We have been planning this trip for a number of years and finally it is here! The Green River Formation is world-famous for fossil fish, rays, palm leaves and even prehistoric horses and birds preserved in stunning detail in Eocene lake sediments. This trip will take place over 3 days – excluding the long drive to and from Wyoming – in order to accommodate everything we hope to see and do. Kemmerer, Wyoming is a 13.5 hour drive from Calgary (excluding the time required to cross the USA-Canada border; which can be quite variable. Participants will have to find their own way to and from Kemmerer and I strongly recommend splitting-up the drive over (at least) two days in each direction.

Please view the videos on Warfield’s website to give you an idea of what to expect. Most exciting is the opportunity to watch the professionals excavate fossils at nighttime from the famous “18 Inch Layer” during their “V.I.P dig”. Artificial illumination helps the pros spot subtle clues in the rock indicating where fossils are located. Then they excavate with special shims, chisels and rock saws. It should be quite the learning experience. For those willing to pay an optional fee, you will be able to keep one fossil fish recovered during the night dig. I understand these are quite remarkable; however, the nighttime experience is optional whether you are paying or simply observing.

Please register early and ONLY if you are serious about attending. Expect hot weather! There are no restrictions for attendance but motel space could be a limiting factor.

Registration deadline is June 15, 2023.

Field Trip

Danek Bone-bed and University of Alberta Paleo-Lab tour, Edmonton, AB.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

A picture of a sign saying 'University of Alberta'
Jeffrey Beall, CC BY 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Leader: Keith Mychaluk

Our gracious host, Eva Koppelhus of the University of Alberta, will guide us to a hadrosaur bone-bed located within the city limits of Edmonton. The Danek Bone-bed is used to teach students enrolled at the palaeontology program at the University of Alberta as their field school. Eva has also arranged for us to have a backrooms tour of their palaeo-lab so we can better appreciate how fossils are prepared and studied. Normally closed on weekends, we will also be provided special access to the University of Alberta Paleontology Museum, which houses the university’s fossil collection. Participants may also wish to tour the Royal Alberta Museum across town on their own schedule. Due to limited physical space at both the bone-bed and the lab, registration is limited to 20 participants. This is a single-day field trip.

Registration deadline is August 1, 2023.

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: September 2023

Friday, September 15, 2023 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Short Presentation

Maritimes to Mars? Stromatolites may be everywhere, even out of this world. Abstract

Speaker: Leslie Eliuk, Retired Geologist, APS and CEGA member

Regular Presentation

Lend us your ear: using auditory region morphology to resolve the evolutionary relationships of camels. Abstract

Speaker: Selina Robson, PhD Candidate at the University of Calgary

Field Trip

Tyndall building stone walking tour, Calgary

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Tako Koning in front of a piece of Tyndall stone

Leader: Tako Koning

Once again, Tako Koning has agreed to conduct his popular tour of Calgary structures adorned in Ordovician-aged Red River Formation limestone originally quarried in Tyndall, Manitoba. See im-pressively preserved fossils of corals, gastropods, orthocones and receptaculitids at Calgary landmarks like the historic Bank of Montreal building. This will be a walking tour of several buildings in downtown Calgary, the community of Kensington and the SAIT campus and is suitable for all ages. The fee is $10.

Registration deadline is September 1, 2023.

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: October 2023

Friday, October 20, 2023 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Regular Presentation

Reconstructing forests in deep time: palaeoclimate and palaeoecology of the early Cenozoic forests in Canada’s High Arctic. Abstract

Speaker: Dr. Christopher West, Curator of Palaeobotany at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology

Fossil Sorting

Fossil Sorting Opportunity

Sunday, November 5, 2023 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

We wil be searching for and sorting micro fossils from matrix again this fall and winter.

In November and December, we will be sorting matrix for Dr. Jessica Theodor and Dr. Alex Dutchak from the University of Calgary. All of the fossils we find will be used to aid research into the Eocene of Saskatchewan. The matrix comes from the Cypress Hills Formation (Middle Eocene) and provides important insight into the northern fauna of this period.

All sessions will take place in room B213. There is a map available on line at the Mount Royal University website and showing parking available. The organizer for this year’s fossil sorting workshop is Mona Trick. No fee for this event. It is open to the public and it is a good family event.

Registration is not required, but if you contact me, Mona Trick, (587) 578-4579 or email, and let me know if you are planning to attend, then I’ll be able to inform you in case we need to cancel a session. No experience is required. Bring tweezers to pick the tiny fossils from the soil and a pen to label your finds.


  • Sunday November 5
  • Sunday November 26
  • Sunday December 10


Room B213 at Mount Royal University

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: November 2023

Friday, November 17, 2023 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Regular Presentation

More than Monsters: Mesozoic marine reptiles Abstract

Speaker: Dr. Hallie Street

Fossil Sorting

Fossil Sorting Opportunity

Sunday, November 26, 2023 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

We wil be searching for and sorting micro fossils from matrix again this fall and winter.

In November and December, we will be sorting matrix for Dr. Jessica Theodor and Dr. Alex Dutchak from the University of Calgary. All of the fossils we find will be used to aid research into the Eocene of Saskatchewan. The matrix comes from the Cypress Hills Formation (Middle Eocene) and provides important insight into the northern fauna of this period.

All sessions will take place in room B213. There is a map available on line at the Mount Royal University website and showing parking available. The organizer for this year’s fossil sorting workshop is Mona Trick. No fee for this event. It is open to the public and it is a good family event.

Registration is not required, but if you contact me, Mona Trick, (587) 578-4579 or email, and let me know if you are planning to attend, then I’ll be able to inform you in case we need to cancel a session. No experience is required. Bring tweezers to pick the tiny fossils from the soil and a pen to label your finds.

Due to the use of microscopes and the delicate nature of the fossils we’re collecting, there is a minimum age of 12 for all participants.


  • Sunday November 5
  • Sunday November 26
  • Sunday December 10


Room B213 at Mount Royal University

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: December 2023 - Potluck and Social!

Friday, December 8, 2023 7:30 PM - 9 PM

The Alberta Palaeontological Society welcomes CSPG (CEGA) members, families and the general public to the December Christmas Social and Open House.

The evening will start with a potluck dinner at 7:30 PM followed by a social evening. Bring your fossils from your summer field trips! APS members will have specimens on display and resident experts will be on hand to help identify fossils that are brought in.

Please note that this meeting is on the 2nd Friday of the month rather then the usual 3rd Friday of the month.

Fossil Sorting

Fossil Sorting Opportunity

Sunday, December 10, 2023 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

We wil be searching for and sorting micro fossils from matrix again this fall and winter.

In November and December, we will be sorting matrix for Dr. Jessica Theodor and Dr. Alex Dutchak from the University of Calgary. All of the fossils we find will be used to aid research into the Eocene of Saskatchewan. The matrix comes from the Cypress Hills Formation (Middle Eocene) and provides important insight into the northern fauna of this period.

All sessions will take place in room B213. There is a map available on line at the Mount Royal University website and showing parking available. The organizer for this year’s fossil sorting workshop is Mona Trick. No fee for this event. It is open to the public and it is a good family event.

Registration is not required, but if you contact me, Mona Trick, (587) 578-4579 or email, and let me know if you are planning to attend, then I’ll be able to inform you in case we need to cancel a session. No experience is required. Bring tweezers to pick the tiny fossils from the soil and a pen to label your finds.

Due to the use of microscopes and the delicate nature of the fossils we’re collecting, there is a minimum age of 12 for all participants.


  • Sunday November 5
  • Sunday November 26
  • Sunday December 10


Room B213 at Mount Royal University

Fossil Sorting

Fossil Sorting Session

Sunday, January 14, 2024 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Winter blues? You can still find fossils in the dark depths of winter at the APS microfossil sorting sessions on the following Sunday afternoons:

  • January 14, 2024
  • January 28, 2024
  • February 11, 2024
  • February 25, 2024
  • March 10, 2024

We will be using microscopes in room B213 at Mount Royal University (Main Building) from 1:00 until 3:30 pm. We will be aiding the research of Dr. Jessica Theodor and Dr. Alex Dutchak of the University of Calgary by finding tiny fossils in the matrix (soil) from the Cypress Hills Formation (Middle Eocene) of Saskatchewan. APS is very grateful to Mount Royal University for allowing us to use their microscopes and lab. Registration is not required, but if you let Mona Trick (tel. (587) 578-4579 or know that you are planning to attend, then she can inform you if we need to cancel this session. No experience is required. Bring tweezers (with pointed ends) or a small paint brush to pick the tiny fossils from the soil and a pen to label your finds. Parking is free at Mount Royal University on Sundays.

Due to the use of microscopes and the delicate nature of the fossils we’re collecting, there is a minimum age of 12 for all participants.

Under the guidance of Dr. Alex Dutchak (shown lower right), volunteers search for fossils during a microfossil sorting session held on November 5, 2023 Photo by Mona Trick


Room B213 at Mount Royal University

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: January 2024

Friday, January 19, 2024 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Regular Presentation

Reading the Fossil Record: how fossils from China reveal the origin and evolutionary history of the last primate in North American before the arrival of humans. Abstract

Speaker: Kathleen Rust, PhD Candidate researching early primate evolution and systematics at the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute and department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Fossil Sorting

Fossil Sorting Session

Sunday, January 28, 2024 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Winter blues? You can still find fossils in the dark depths of winter at the APS microfossil sorting sessions on the following Sunday afternoons:

  • January 14, 2024
  • January 28, 2024
  • February 11, 2024
  • February 25, 2024
  • March 10, 2024

We will be using microscopes in room B213 at Mount Royal University (Main Building) from 1:00 until 3:30 pm. We will be aiding the research of Dr. Jessica Theodor and Dr. Alex Dutchak of the University of Calgary by finding tiny fossils in the matrix (soil) from the Cypress Hills Formation (Middle Eocene) of Saskatchewan. APS is very grateful to Mount Royal University for allowing us to use their microscopes and lab. Registration is not required, but if you let Mona Trick (tel. (587) 578-4579 or know that you are planning to attend, then she can inform you if we need to cancel this session. No experience is required. Bring tweezers (with pointed ends) or a small paint brush to pick the tiny fossils from the soil and a pen to label your finds. Parking is free at Mount Royal University on Sundays.

Due to the use of microscopes and the delicate nature of the fossils we’re collecting, there is a minimum age of 12 for all participants.

Under the guidance of Dr. Alex Dutchak (shown lower right), volunteers search for fossils during a microfossil sorting session held on November 5, 2023 Photo by Mona Trick


Room B213 at Mount Royal University

Fossil Sorting

Fossil Sorting Session

Sunday, February 11, 2024 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Winter blues? You can still find fossils in the dark depths of winter at the APS microfossil sorting sessions on the following Sunday afternoons:

  • January 14, 2024
  • January 28, 2024
  • February 11, 2024
  • February 25, 2024
  • March 10, 2024

We will be using microscopes in room B213 at Mount Royal University (Main Building) from 1:00 until 3:30 pm. We will be aiding the research of Dr. Jessica Theodor and Dr. Alex Dutchak of the University of Calgary by finding tiny fossils in the matrix (soil) from the Cypress Hills Formation (Middle Eocene) of Saskatchewan. APS is very grateful to Mount Royal University for allowing us to use their microscopes and lab. Registration is not required, but if you let Mona Trick (tel. (587) 578-4579 or know that you are planning to attend, then she can inform you if we need to cancel this session. No experience is required. Bring tweezers (with pointed ends) or a small paint brush to pick the tiny fossils from the soil and a pen to label your finds. Parking is free at Mount Royal University on Sundays.

Due to the use of microscopes and the delicate nature of the fossils we’re collecting, there is a minimum age of 12 for all participants.

Under the guidance of Dr. Alex Dutchak (shown lower right), volunteers search for fossils during a microfossil sorting session held on November 5, 2023 Photo by Mona Trick


Room B213 at Mount Royal University

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: February 2024

Friday, February 16, 2024 7:30 PM - 9 PM

We have two feature presentations this month!

Regular Presentation

Bone Cells to Big Dinos: Using Liquid Crystal Polarimetry as a New Tool to Learn about Fossil Vertebrates.

Speaker: Amber Whitebone, PhD Candidate on Evolutionary Biology at University of New England

Unveiling Ancient Life Through Combined Quantitative and Traditional Paleontological Approaches.

Speaker: Dr. Nick Campione Ruben, Evolutionary Paleobiologist at University of New England

Fossil Sorting

Fossil Sorting Session

Sunday, February 25, 2024 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Winter blues? You can still find fossils in the dark depths of winter at the APS microfossil sorting sessions on the following Sunday afternoons:

  • January 14, 2024
  • January 28, 2024
  • February 11, 2024
  • February 25, 2024
  • March 10, 2024

We will be using microscopes in room B213 at Mount Royal University (Main Building) from 1:00 until 3:30 pm. We will be aiding the research of Dr. Jessica Theodor and Dr. Alex Dutchak of the University of Calgary by finding tiny fossils in the matrix (soil) from the Cypress Hills Formation (Middle Eocene) of Saskatchewan. APS is very grateful to Mount Royal University for allowing us to use their microscopes and lab. Registration is not required, but if you let Mona Trick (tel. (587) 578-4579 or know that you are planning to attend, then she can inform you if we need to cancel this session. No experience is required. Bring tweezers (with pointed ends) or a small paint brush to pick the tiny fossils from the soil and a pen to label your finds. Parking is free at Mount Royal University on Sundays.

Due to the use of microscopes and the delicate nature of the fossils we’re collecting, there is a minimum age of 12 for all participants.

Under the guidance of Dr. Alex Dutchak (shown lower right), volunteers search for fossils during a microfossil sorting session held on November 5, 2023 Photo by Mona Trick


Room B213 at Mount Royal University

Fossil Sorting

Fossil Sorting Session

Sunday, March 10, 2024 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Winter blues? You can still find fossils in the dark depths of winter at the APS microfossil sorting sessions on the following Sunday afternoons:

  • January 14, 2024
  • January 28, 2024
  • February 11, 2024
  • February 25, 2024
  • March 10, 2024

We will be using microscopes in room B213 at Mount Royal University (Main Building) from 1:00 until 3:30 pm. We will be aiding the research of Dr. Jessica Theodor and Dr. Alex Dutchak of the University of Calgary by finding tiny fossils in the matrix (soil) from the Cypress Hills Formation (Middle Eocene) of Saskatchewan. APS is very grateful to Mount Royal University for allowing us to use their microscopes and lab. Registration is not required, but if you let Mona Trick (tel. (587) 578-4579 or know that you are planning to attend, then she can inform you if we need to cancel this session. No experience is required. Bring tweezers (with pointed ends) or a small paint brush to pick the tiny fossils from the soil and a pen to label your finds. Parking is free at Mount Royal University on Sundays.

Due to the use of microscopes and the delicate nature of the fossils we’re collecting, there is a minimum age of 12 for all participants.

Under the guidance of Dr. Alex Dutchak (shown lower right), volunteers search for fossils during a microfossil sorting session held on November 5, 2023 Photo by Mona Trick


Room B213 at Mount Royal University


APS Symposium 2024

Saturday, March 16, 2024 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

In conjunction with Mount Royal University Earth and Environmental Sciences and the CEGA Paleontology Division, we are pleased to announce that the 27th annual Alberta Paleontological Society Symposium will take place on Saturday, March 16, 2024.

This symposium will contain presentations from a mix of amateur and professional palaeontologists. The aim is to showcase palaeontology to the general public and to provide an opportunity for contact between the Alberta Palaeontological Society, industry, government and educational facilities. The event is free and all are welcome to attend or join virtually. Families are encouraged to bring fossils to our identification booth where APS members will do their best to provide you with information.

This event will include lectures by notable paleontologists, an opportunity to have APS members identify your fossils, and a host of other events! Stay tuned for additional information.

See the symposium page for additional details.

You can view a selection of videos of the 2023 symposium.

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: April 2024

Friday, April 19, 2024 7:30 PM - 9 PM

An Update on the Romer Gap in the Fossil Record

Speaker: Dr Jason Anderson

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: May 2024

Friday, May 10, 2024 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Regular Presentation

Dinosaurs or Dragons: the cultural identity of fossils Abstract

Speaker: Gavin Bradley, Science MOOC Coordinator and ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Science at the University of Alberta

This meeting will also include our annual AGM.

Field Trip

Upper Cretaceous of the Dorothy area, AB

Saturday, June 22, 2024

NOTE: This field trip is now full.

Leader: Steve Kary

Palaeontologist Steve Kary will lead us to several interesting Upper Cretaceous sites along the Red Deer River valley near Dorothy, Alberta. Steve has been doing active research in this area for the past few seasons. He has a number of sites for us to visit, possibly including a lower Horseshoe Canyon Formation dinosaur bonebed (slumped into two separate outcrops); an invertebrate site; Ophiomorpha ichnofossils; and rippled sandstone beds. Expect to hike in rugged badlands terrain with long slopes heading in and out of the main valley. There is a fee of $40 per member for this trip to help offset expected costs. Further, due to restricted private access, we can only accommodate 20 members so if you are interested please register early to avoid disappointment. This field trip is just one day in length and Dorothy is about a 2-hour drive east of Calgary. More details to follow.

To register for this and any other trips, download and complete the field trip permission form.

The registration deadline is June 1.

Field Trip

K/Pg Boundary, Knudsen’s Farm, Huxley, AB

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Leader: Tako Koning

If you missed this tour previously, Tako will again lead us to the famous Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (formerly the “K/T boundary”) site on Knudsen’s farm near Huxley, AB. This boundary marks the end of the dinosaurs and this particular site has contributed materially to our knowledge of what happened to the world at that time. Huxley is about a 2-hour drive from Calgary. This is a single-day trip with fee of $10.

To register for this and any other trips, download and complete the field trip permission form.

The registration deadline is July 1.

Field Trip

Phipps Ranch, near Jordan, Montana, USA

Thursday, July 25, 2024 - Monday, July 29, 2024

Leader: Keith Mychaluk

The Upper Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation in Montana is world-famous for its cache of iconic dinosaur remains such as Tyrannosaurus rex, Nanotyrannus and Triceratops. However, gaining access to sites to hunt for vertebrate fossils in the “Treasure State” are extremely limited. Through its contacts, the APS has secured access to a private ranch within rich Hell Creek fossil beds south of Jordan, Montana. Jason Phipps, the older brother of Clayton Phipps (from the TV Show Dino Hunters), has recently been allowing groups to collect on his land for a fee. We expect to excavate at an extremely rich microvertebrate fossil site on the ranch that regularly yields theropod, herbivore and mammal teeth. We will be allowed to keep what we collect—with the exception of very valuable fossils (Jason uses these funds to supplement his family income on his small cattle ranch). We are hoping to add an additional site (possibly an invertebrate locality) and/or a facility tour (such as a museum or preparation lab) to this trip. Again, watch the Bulletin for updates.

Proposed Itinerary

  • Thursday, July 25: Travel to Jordan, MT.
  • Friday, July 26 and Saturday, July 27: Caravan (40 minutes) each day to and from Jason Phipps Ranch; Expect long, hot days with lunch in the field with no facilities.
  • Sunday, July 28: TBD: Explore nearby Bearpaw Formation invertebrate sites and/or museum tour.
  • Monday, July 29: Return to Calgary.

Jordan is a 9-hour drive from Calgary (excluding the time required to cross the USA-Canada border, which can be quite variable). Participants will have to find their own way to and from Jordan. NOTE! There are very limited basic accommodations in Jordan (Garfield Motel, K&K RV Park, Old Dorm RV Park and Motel 200) with camping likely the best option (Contact Keith for more information). Participants will have to make their own sleeping and travel arrangements to and from Jordan. The fee for collecting on Jason’s ranch is us$125 cash per person, PER DAY (total US $250 for two days—payable to Jason directly on July 26). There may be additional fees so watch for updates in future issues of the Bulletin. There are no restrictions for attendance but motel space could be a limiting factor.

To register for this and any other trips, download and complete the field trip permission form.

The registration deadline is July 1.

Field Trip

Grande Prairie & Grande Cache, AB

Saturday, August 24, 2024 - Monday, August 26, 2024

Leaders: Dr. Emily Bamforth and Mona Trick

Two trips in one! This extended three-day trip is organized into two parts, namely:

Part 1 — Grande Prairie

You can either choose to be a “Digger” or a “Fossil Preparator.” Both groups will tour the museum and collections of the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum near Wembley (west of Grande Prairie) at a special museum entrance price kindly offered by the museum. The Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum features a wide array of fossils, specializing in those from the nearby Pipestone Creek bone bed. “Diggers” will tour the museum starting at 1:00 p.m. on the afternoon of Saturday August 24. Then on Sunday, August, 25, the “Diggers” will excavate dinosaur bones at the nearby Pipestone Creek Bone Bed, for the full day (9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.). Lunch will be provided. Maximum of 10 people. Minimum age is 12 years old. Each minor child must be accompanied by one adult. The fossils from at least 27 individuals of Pachyrhinosaurus lakustai were excavated from the Pipestone Creek bone bed of the Wapiti Formation (approximately 72.6 million years old, Campanian Age of the Late Cretaceous). This is one of the densest bone beds in North America. It extends at least 1 km into the hill and contains fossils from hundreds of individuals. “Fossil Preparators” will tour the museum start-ing at 9:00 a.m. on the morning of Sunday, August 25. Lunch will not be provided. Prepare fossils for the afternoon in the museum’s lab. At 2:30 p.m. you can join an optional outing to hike to the Pipestone Creek Bone Bed to watch the “Diggers” in action. Maximum of 5 people. Minimum age is 12 years old. Each minor child must be accompanied by one adult.

Part 2 — Grande Cache

On the morning of Monday, August 26, 2024, we will tour the extensive dinosaur trackways near the CST Coal mine outside of Grande Cache. Gather at 8:00 a.m. at the Grande Cache Tourism and Interpretive Centre (9701 Highway 40, Grande Cache) for the safety orientation and then we will board the provided bus, passing through the CST Coal Mine to see the tracks. We then return to the Grande Cache Tourism and Interpretive Centre at about 1:00 p.m. For the afternoon, we will visit a couple of nearby sites and enjoy our lunches in the field. The tracks are in the Grande Cache Member of the Gates Formation (middle Albian of the Early Cretaceous). There are a variety of different tracks, including those from quadrupedal dinosaurs (nodosaurid ankylosaurs?), bipedal dinosaurs (theropods and ornithopods?) and invertebrate burrows. Most tracks are on nearly vertical rock faces, tilted upwards by mountain-building processes. Bring your binoculars to better view the tracks. Maximum 20 people. Minimum age is 12. TWO adults are required for EACH child aged 12 to 16 years. ONE adult per EACH child aged 17 to 18. CSA certified safety glasses and work bootsare MANDATORY. Hard hat and high visibility vests are also MANDATORY. Hard hats and high visibility vests can be borrowed from the CST Coal mine if you notify Mona Trick ( when you register.

You can select both parts or just a single part of this trip (for example only the Grand Cache tracks). Note the maximum numbers for each part and requirements for number of adults for each minor. For this field trip, you MUST send the completed waiver, Grande Cache Tracksite Tour Agreement and emergency contact form to Mona Trick ( or phone 587-578-4579) BEFORE August 13, 2024. You can drive (7.5 hours from Calgary) or fly to Grande Prairie Airport and rent a car (several car rental places are available). In any case, you will need your own transportation for the 20 minute drive from Grande Prairie to the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum near Wembley and for the 10 minute drive from the Museum to the Pipestone Creek Day Use Area on the next day. Several hotels in Grande Prairie offer discounts for those registered with this museum program. Contact Mona Trick for details. Grande Cache is a 7 hour drive from Calgary. Grande Cache and Grande Prairie are 2 hours apart via Highway 40. Arrange your accommodation in Grande Cache early because it has only four motels, and some may already be booked. Grande Cache also has several nearby Provincial Parks with camping. Contact Mona Trick for details.


Part 1—Grande Prairie

  • “Diggers”—Tour Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum and dig in Pipestone Creek Bone Bed (maximum 10.) Adult:$212.00; Child (12–17):$174.00.
  • OR“Fossil Preparators”—Tour Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum and prepare fossils in the lab (maximum 5). Adult:$12.00; Child (12–17):$6.00

Part 2—Grande Cache

  • Tour Dinosaur Tracks (maximum 20) Adult or child (12–17): $40.00

To register for this and any other trips, download and complete the field trip permission form.

Registration deadline is July 19, 2024.

Field Trip

Tyndall building stone walking tour, Calgary

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Tako Koning in front of a piece of Tyndall stone

Leader: Tako Koning

Once again, Tako Koning has agreed to conduct his popular tour of Calgary buildings clad with Ordovician-aged Red River Formation limestone originally quarried in Tyndall, Manitoba. See impressively preserved fossils of corals, gastropods, starfish, orthocones and even algae at Calgary landmarks like the historic Bank of Montreal building. This will be a walking tour of several buildings in downtown Calgary, the community of Kensington and the SAIT campus and is suitable for all ages.

To register for this and any other trips, download and complete the field trip permission form.

Registration deadline is September 1, 2024.

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: September 2024

Friday, September 20, 2024 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Speakers TBD

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: October 2024

Friday, October 18, 2024 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Speakers TBD

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: November 2024

Friday, November 15, 2024 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Speakers TBD

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: December 2024

Friday, December 13, 2024 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Speakers TBD

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: January 2025

Friday, January 17, 2025 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Speakers TBD

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: February 2025

Friday, February 21, 2025 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Speakers TBD


Paleo 2025 Symposium

Saturday, March 15, 2025 - Sunday, March 16, 2025

Speakers TBD

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: April 2025

Friday, April 11, 2025 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Speakers TBD

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: May 2025

Friday, May 9, 2025 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Speakers TBD

This meeting will include our annual AGM. Please come prepared to vote on the new board members.

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: September 2025

Friday, September 19, 2025 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Speakers TBD

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: October 2025

Friday, October 17, 2025 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Speakers TBD

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: November 2025

Friday, November 21, 2025 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Speakers TBD

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting: December 2025

Friday, December 12, 2025 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Speakers TBD

Past Events