Alberta Palaeontological Society

The Meeting Place for Amateur and Professional Palaeontologists

Privacy Policy

Alberta Palaeontological Society Privacy Policy and Disclaimers

The following statements and disclaimers apply to the website of the Alberta Palaeontological Society (APS).

How we handle the information we gather when you visit our website

Alberta Palaeontological Society Privacy Statement

The APS is committed to respecting the personal privacy of individuals who visit our web site. This page summarizes the privacy policy and practices of the APS web site.

  • APS does not automatically gather any personal information from you, such as your name, phone number, e-mail or street address during your visit to its web sites. This information is obtained only if you supply it voluntarily, usually through contacting us via e-mail or registering in a secure portion of the site.
  • Any personal information that you do provide is protected under the federal  Privacy Act .

Web server activity logs

Like most web servers on the Internet, our servers collect and store all of the information that your web browser sends when it requests a web page.

It is impossible to determine the actual identity of an individual user from this information.

The logs are periodically summarized and analyzed in order to study site usage over time and to perform other studies to help us improve the site's organization, performance, and usefulness.

Electronic mail

When you send us personal identifying information via e-mail (that is, in a message containing a question or comment, or by filling out a form that e-mails us this information), we use it to respond to your requests. We do not retain or distribute lists of e-mail addresses to any parties outside of APS.

File transfer protocol (FTP)

Our site using the file transfer protocol may also store your e-mail address if your web browser is configured to provide it. By default most web browser software does not send your e-mail address; this option is configured through your browser preferences. In Netscape Navigator, for example, this option must be set by you through the Advanced preferences category by the item labeled, "Send email address as anonymous FTP password."

Collection and release of gathered information

We want to make it clear that we will not obtain personal identifying information about you when you visit our web site. Except in the course of officially authorized law enforcement investigations, or in the event of a suspected attempt to deliberately circumvent our system's security with the intent to gain unauthorized access or to do physical damage (for example, an attack by hackers), we do not attempt to identify individual users or share any information we receive with any parties outside of the APS. In the latter case, collected information associated with a suspected intruder might be shared with law enforcement.

Retention of collected information

Cookies - Some applications may save a "cookie" on your computer's hard disk to provide a temporary history of actions taken. A common example is the tracking of items placed in an online "shopping basket." We do not retain any record of "cookies" beyond what is necessary for running the application.

Web server activity logs - Monthly extracts of the log files are archived and stored off-line at our discretion for an indefinite period of time. Some statistical summaries derived from these data may be retained online or off-line at our discretion for an indefinite period of time.

E-mail - Information collected via e-mail will be retained at our discretion in a directly readable form for as long as necessary to complete our response. The e-mail itself may be retained in an archival form.

Links to Other Websites

Links and pointers to other websites are provided for information only and do not constitute endorsement, express or implied, of the referenced organization as to content, products, or services, whether they are governmental, educational, or commercial.

Non-Endorsement of Commercial Products of Other Websites and Services

Hypertext links and other references to other websites and services are provided for information only and do not constitute endorsement or warranty, express or implied as to content, usefulness, functioning, completeness, or accuracy.

Public-Domain Software

Links are provided to public-domain software (Adobe Acrobat). Although these programs have been used by APS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by as to the accuracy and functioning of the programs and related program material, nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the APS in connection therewith.

Content Accuracy, Completeness, and Usability of APS Information

We make every effort to provide and maintain accurate, complete, usable, and timely information on our web site. This information is provided with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be correct or complete. Users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of the information before using it for decisions. Conclusions drawn from, or actions undertaken on the basis of, such information are the sole responsibility of the user.


Neither the APS Officers nor Directors nor any Committee thereof make any warranty, express or implied, nor assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, data, product, or process disclosed, nor represent that its use would not infringe on privately owned rights. APS does not assume any liability deemed to have been caused directly or indirectly by any content on its web site.

To Contact Us

If you have any questions about APS, please contact us:

E - Mail to

Mailing address:

Alberta Palaeontological Society

P.O. Box 68024, Crowfoot Postal Outlet

Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3G 3N8