Alberta Palaeontological Society

The Meeting Place for Amateur and Professional Palaeontologists

APS members listening to a description of the Devil's Coulee fossil locality

The Alberta Palaeontological Society (APS) is a non-profit organization founded in 1986. Our main goal is to promote the science of palaeontology through study and education. The APS makes important contributions to the field by discovering new findings and responsibly collecting, curating, and displaying significant fossil specimens. We are passionate about educating the general public, sharing knowledge about palaeontological discoveries, and fostering an appreciation for the ancient past.

Moreover, the society is committed to preserving palaeontological materials for the benefit of future generations. To achieve our mission, the APS actively collaborates with professional and academic communities, working together to safeguard and enhance the understanding of Alberta's rich cultural heritage.

The Alberta Palaeontological Society is dedicated to spreading the wonders of palaeontology, ensuring that people of all ages can explore and appreciate the fascinating world of prehistoric life.


Field Trip Registration Open!

The registration for the 2024 field trips are now open, and we have some very exciting ones!

  • June 22: Cretaceous sites near Dorothy, AB
  • July 6: K/Pg boundary near Huxley, AB
  • July 25 - 29: Cretaceous Hell Creek formation in Montana
  • August 24 - 26: Fossils and tracksite near Grande Prairie & Grande Cache
  • September 14: Tyndall Stone walking tour in Calgary

To register as well as for additional details, please see the field trip page. We look forward to seeing many of you out there!

Next Event

Field Trip

Phipps Ranch, near Jordan, Montana, USA

Thursday, July 25, 2024 - Monday, July 29, 2024

Leader: Keith Mychaluk

The Upper Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation in Montana is world-famous for its cache of iconic dinosaur remains such as Tyrannosaurus rex, Nanotyrannus and Triceratops. However, gaining access to sites to hunt for vertebrate fossils in the “Treasure State” are extremely limited. Through its contacts, the APS has secured access to a private ranch within rich Hell Creek fossil beds south of Jordan, Montana. Jason Phipps, the older brother of Clayton Phipps (from the TV Show Dino Hunters), has recently been allowing groups to collect on his land for a fee. We expect to excavate at an extremely rich microvertebrate fossil site on the ranch that regularly yields theropod, herbivore and mammal teeth. We will be allowed to keep what we collect—with the exception of very valuable fossils (Jason uses these funds to supplement his family income on his small cattle ranch). We are hoping to add an additional site (possibly an invertebrate locality) and/or a facility tour (such as a museum or preparation lab) to this trip. Again, watch the Bulletin for updates.

Proposed Itinerary

  • Thursday, July 25: Travel to Jordan, MT.
  • Friday, July 26 and Saturday, July 27: Caravan (40 minutes) each day to and from Jason Phipps Ranch; Expect long, hot days with lunch in the field with no facilities.
  • Sunday, July 28: TBD: Explore nearby Bearpaw Formation invertebrate sites and/or museum tour.
  • Monday, July 29: Return to Calgary.

Jordan is a 9-hour drive from Calgary (excluding the time required to cross the USA-Canada border, which can be quite variable). Participants will have to find their own way to and from Jordan. NOTE! There are very limited basic accommodations in Jordan (Garfield Motel, K&K RV Park, Old Dorm RV Park and Motel 200) with camping likely the best option (Contact Keith for more information). Participants will have to make their own sleeping and travel arrangements to and from Jordan. The fee for collecting on Jason’s ranch is us$125 cash per person, PER DAY (total US $250 for two days—payable to Jason directly on July 26). There may be additional fees so watch for updates in future issues of the Bulletin. There are no restrictions for attendance but motel space could be a limiting factor.

To register for this and any other trips, download and complete the field trip permission form.

The registration deadline is July 1.

For more information, see our events page.

Become a Member!

Become a member of the Alberta Palaeontological Society and unlock a world of palaeontological discovery. Engage with fellow enthusiasts, support fossil education, and gain exclusive access to field trips and resources that enrich your understanding of prehistoric life. Join us today and embark on a journey through time together.

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The APS has a new book for sale!

APS Books for Sale

Refer to the Store link on this website for cost, how to purchase a copy and other details. These books will also be available for purchase at our monthly meetings.

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